Maximize Leadership
Leadership is part of daily life whether you lead your family, business and serving your organization.
It was said by one of my mentor a leadership expert "John C. Maxwell" that everything rises and falls on leadership. When I read his works about the "21 Irrefutable law of leadership", I stick to it and tried my best to put it to action.
I personally experience a hard time doing the laws but it's really worth it..
One particular law in it was the "Law of addition" which basically tell you to add values to people, Why is that so?
Leadership is basically influence no more no less. You need to use it for good purposes with no hidden agenda.
Leading takes a lot of energy and life time process doing so. You just have to be intentional in giving values to people because people are naturally selfish. You can only do it by being intentional.
But before you instill a value to a person you just need to acquire that values. "You can never give values if you don't have one" or in other words " You can't give what you don't have"
When I speak with the people I'm with in the company you just need to be more sensitive to their needs and attitude. I practice adding values in a daily process. Injecting the good stuffs to people so in return they can manage their lives and impart values to other people as well. This one will be a challenge to everyone that is currently leading in their fields.
When leading don't misunderstood that if your in a leadership position or in authority you can be considered as a leader. There's a big difference about managing and leading.
1. Managing is just maintaining the process or system, almost on a daily basis everything is just about sustaining, nothing moves although you look busy everyday.. hehe Hope you can relate well.
2. Leading meanwhile is going to point A to B. People move in better direction. That's why leading takes a lot of energy.
Adding values to people will makes you attract people however you don't want them to depend on you too much.

Naturally people will go to a person who is better or more dependable than themselves. Adding values will also make your people listen to you because they know they can learn something from you. It is important to impart them the important stuff that can drive them on their own and continue paying it forward to others.
And most importantly do what God values not man values. Grow more spiritually and spread the good words to people soon you are sowing the good seeds and they will grow to peoples lives.
Leading will be more fulfilling in return....
Adding values to people will makes you attract people however you don't want them to depend on you too much.

Naturally people will go to a person who is better or more dependable than themselves. Adding values will also make your people listen to you because they know they can learn something from you. It is important to impart them the important stuff that can drive them on their own and continue paying it forward to others.
And most importantly do what God values not man values. Grow more spiritually and spread the good words to people soon you are sowing the good seeds and they will grow to peoples lives.
Leading will be more fulfilling in return....
You friend Gen...