Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Face Rejection On Clients

Facing rejection are not easy but it's part of the sales process whether you're a broker, sales consultant or insurance agent.

This is also the reason why most sales person quit after numerous rejection in the process. This result shift on career or reconsidering other options on their source of income.

On overcoming rejection. Sales person should always has good reason on promoting their products. Usually clients will reject you because the never thought or how they really benefit from that product.or they really didn't like the person whose trying to present the product.

Simple ways on facing rejections

1. Dont be too sensitive - Most professional who work for an industry for years already accepted that it's part of the process. Not every client will able to buy in to the product and this is really a reality. That's why professional sales person who genuinely offer their product to client are sincere. After serious discussion and still the client don't yet convinced, sales person are very professional to take it and appreciate the time the client spend on hearing the offer. Always keep in mind that whenever client say no there will always be a client will say yes. And they moved on to the next.

2. Treat rejection as correctional process - Whenever there is unclosed deals. Learning should took place because in every meets up and appointment there are underlying reason why client wont grab the product. This is the best thing to analyze every meet ups and adjust to the next client to improve the presentation. Whenever client say No doesn't mean they No to you, for some cases they think it's not really needed right now or for some cases they don't really like the sales person or the way it has been sold to them. That's why you need to assess and listen carefully to the clients needs.

3. Offer your product as the client need it not "You" is needing to sold to the client - It will become very frustrated with you miss leading the approach to clients. Every time you'll be presenting your product to your client it is better to have this kind of approach. Think that client needs your offers and it would be a big help for them to have it. And even they wont grab it, You won't frustrate by not having sold it to them.

More and more people are now engaging to sales industry whether it's on real estate, insurance, retail, car industry and so forth. These people who are years on the industry are getting  develop on different kind of situation like the case of this.

They get mature and broader by exposing to different situation. So when the next time you are get rejected don't take it personally, just enjoy what you do and keep believing you would make it happened.

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