I'm very thankful enough that our creator handed us the gift of communication and the power that he embedded in our words. Did you found it very beautiful that as human we have the ability to express our thoughts through verbal languages.
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Did you ever been so grateful that we have the ability as human to say exactly the words we wish to. Animals do communicate but in different sounds and signals. It's hard to imagine people would communicate the same as animals. Isn't it funny? Aside the ability to communicate verbally we also have the ability to think before we speak.
Speaking is like one medium of expression. Words that leaving from our mouth that reflect on other people who can hear it could be destructive or constructive. How would you like to say things? does it encourage people or discourage them, does it give more hope or make them more hopeless? Does what we always tell our self help us build up or disgust us?
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world - zen proverbsFrom conception till this day our parents tell us a lot of stuff. Does your parents encourage you to push yourself very positive or it does makes you feel like quitting? This was silent little things that create our life and often this also inculcate certain attitude and approach to life.
A friend of mine reach me to seek for help. I heard his story. It goes like this.
"I was an introvert for a year, every time I go out from our home I felt very weak and I want to go back home as fast as I can. I don't tell this to my family it's because they are also the reason why I became like this until now. I really admit I'm a loser, not finished my studies,"Tambay" -literally mean "standby" or "idle" nothing to do with time. I think people disgusted me for being that and they tell me that again and again it was like everyday. I just endure it and I have no one to tell about it".
I simply told him "Have faith, you have special things in you that's why you're experiencing such things". People doesn't know you as you know yourself more. People have their popular belief and that is what they are trying you to believe in.
That's how powerful words are, it does create and make a decades of mark to a person. One that cursing people is like stabbing a person without bleeding. It makes people depressed and felt bad for themselves.
Did you ever found yourself in the same situation? What did you did about it?
So how do you live your life. Do you use encouraging words or words that uplift human spirit. How do you communicate to other people? Are they motivated and happy when you're around or not?
Please do a reflection for it. For the last several years, last year or these fast few months. See how well you live the gift. Notice how you talk and speak, Notice the words you're using.

Do you spend your day complimenting people genuinely and honest? Do you make people feel better because you said something nice? (Oh you seem bright today)
Do you praise people when you see something good about them or you only see the imperfection and mistakes when they committed them?
A simple words like "Just keep it up" or "'You're doing great" makes them feel energize no matter how people are exhausted and stress. If you let this word fly out to the universe, you're helping your brother lift the load.
Simple things to remember in the scripture it says "The heaven and earth will pass away but not my words" -Matthew 24:35
God words are truth and powerful use it, live it, and share it to people who you live with. It creates you and lives in you.
Many of the words are beautiful and I believe that these words have the power and energy to change you and other people lives.
Words are like vibration it resonate to human body and it can be healthy or destructive. Sound like physicist talking but there are studies that proves it. See Dr. Masuru Emoto's study. If words has effect to a water, That would mean the same effect toward our physical self. Did you know that our body consist of 50-65% water maybe not exact but close. You might not believe but it's worth pounding.
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See also
Secrets Behind Good Vibes
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